bayesfit.plot_psyfcn - Plot psychometric function

bayesfit.plot_psyfcn(data, options, metrics, log_xscale=False, scale_pnts=True, estimate_type='MAP')

Input Arguments

dataNumpy array

A m-row by 3-column Numpy array corresponding to data from the experiment.


Stores all settings used when fitting the model.


Output from bayesfit.fitmodel which contains important metrics from the fitted model to the data. (See desciption in bayesfit.fitmodel for full description of metrics output)


Determines whether to log-transform the x-axisl


Scales size of data points by the number of trials each point was sampled.

estimate_typestr ('MAP' or 'Mean')

Determines which metric used for parameter estimates.

Output Variables

matplotlib.pyplot Object

Plot of psychometric function using parameters from fitted model.