bayesfit.get_threshold - Extract threshold from fitted model

bayesfit.get_threshold(data, metrics, options, threshold_pc, estimate_type='MAP')

Input Arguments

dataNumpy array

A m-row by 3-column Numpy array corresponding to data from the experiment.


Stores all settings used when fitting the model.


Output from bayesfit.fitmodel which contains important metrics from the fitted model to the data. (See desciption in bayesfit.fitmodel for full description of metrics output)

threshold_pcfloat (range limited: 0 - 1)

Value of proportion correct response to define threshold. This will influence what threshold value is returned in the metrics['threshold'] variable that is output by BayesFit upon completion of the fitting procedure.

estimate_typestr ('MAP' or 'Mean')

What estimate to use for free parameters when extracting threshold from fitted model.

Output Variables


Threshold at specified point along fitted psychometric function based on specified proportion correct response from input argument.